
Tuesday 27 August 2013

Sometimes I think I was just put on this earth to do nothing much because quite frankly I'm ok at it! I just LOVE  no stress and oodles of time to look and listen and feel...really feel! Sydney is doing Spring beautifully... jasmine and jonquils and stunner sunsets...What an amazing part of the world!

Thursday 8 August 2013

Suzi Poland's Blogging Class

First freezing Sydney winter day this rugged out my umbrella for the first time in a delicious hot coffee from my favourite deli and headed off to Suzi Poland's creative blogging course. Thanks Suzi..loving your course..Two delightfully fabulous UNrushed hours with a group of lovely inspiring women all happy to share their thoughts and ideas about they enjoy...their passions. A perfect way to spend a morning. Nothing better than making new friends.. learning new ways of seeing the world... Can't wait for next week's class...

Thursday 1 August 2013

August and I'm Back..'s August and I'm back..thanks to Suzi Poland and her blogger refresher course..oohh new computer skills..can't wait to try them out...

Friday 4 January 2013

"If we can let go for just a moment, relax, and fall into the centre of now, we can encounter directy the freedom that we've all been seeking"  ADYASHANTI

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Very first day of the year. So much hope and promise. Let's make it a really fabulous year. Practise what Louise Hay keeps telling us to do..."You are what you think" so if you are not happy about something in your life..change the way you think about it. They say we create our reality. If that's the case I'm going to create an exceptional one....

Flylady will be playing a big part in get me out of CHAOS..Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome. More about her to come...

Friday 5 October 2012 it...crazy city..dust,potholes,beeping..smiles and more smiles color  It,s like sensory overload.  Children are doing exams....working really hard. Tomorrow off to make pancakes and French toast at the baby orphanage. Got the guitar, rattles and keyboard for a bit of song time.
No electricity now so sitting up in bed with my trust iPad. Pizza and coffee in Thamel was good today....yes not really Nepalese but there.s just so much dahlbaat one can take.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Yay..first day I,ve got this iPad to work. Sitting on balcony of volunteer house watching heaps of new buildings going up...where there used to be park and swings. Now 4 story buildings. Love this country..time for breakfast..dahlbaat and papadam s. mmmm... Then walking children to school 150 smiling faces....